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5.9+ PG13, Trad,  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Kevin Keith, Israel Dellinger, Summer Keith January 1, 2013
Arizona > Central Arizona > *Prescott Area > Sullivan's Canyon > Lower Sullivan… > Nursery


This route boulders out of the cave to reach a small cam placement in a horizontal on the face between Mrs. Whitaker and 911. Continue up into obvious crack system. I used the anchor on 911 to lower which is a little tricky. Should get its own anchor.


Small gear to hands or larger up higher

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Pausing above the green C3 after the bouldery crux.
[Hide Photo] Pausing above the green C3 after the bouldery crux.
Start in the little cave and boulder out to the steep slab using small cams for protection. Photo Luke Wakefield
[Hide Photo] Start in the little cave and boulder out to the steep slab using small cams for protection. Photo Luke Wakefield