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5.10c, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 15 votes
FA: Curtis Mai, Todd McCray
Texas > Austin Area > Reimers Ranch > Landfill Wall


Start at a low roof and up onto a dirty ledge.  Climb through some very featured rock, left of a tufa, and through the roof.  Great climbing other than the dirt covered ledge.


To the left of where the trail meets the wall.  Starts at a 5' high roof, just right of a big bush on the ledge.  1st bolt is above the ledge, 2nd bolt is a couple feet above the 1st.


4 bolts to chain anchors

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Little White Trash Boy
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Drew Burd
Austin, TX
[Hide Comment] I believe the photo Will uploaded shows the variation that finishes on the anchors of the route to the right. The original anchors are just up and left of the 4th bolt buried behind a lot of vegetation. It took a few minutes hanging at the 4th bolt before I could actually see both of them. Aug 1, 2020
[Hide Comment] Watch out for poison ivy near the chains. Also, one of the starting hold feels pretty hollow, not sure if it's gonna crumble soon. Apr 21, 2021