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"The Unplaqued One"

5.10a/b, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 19 votes
FA: Sarah and Lance
New Mexico > Truth or Conseq… > Mud Mountain > Winter Wall


Use balance and delicate footwork to climb up past a couple crimpy cruxes to a fun steep finish.


Right or Family Truckster and left of Tarantula.  Start on the slab and head for the orange patch.


10 bolts to an anchor with with lowering biners

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Head for the orange patch.
[Hide Photo] Head for the orange patch.

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[Hide Comment] this route was FA by Sarah Hadfield. we did not put a name at the bottom because of a hollow plate near the bottom and have not been back to clean it or name it. Sorry about that but it is a very fun little climb! Nov 13, 2020