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Drunken Sailor

5.5, TR,  Avg: 2.6 from 7 votes
FA: unknown
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > E Bluff 04 - E… > 15: Pseudo Hawk's Nest


Start right of Epiphany and climb up and right to the nose. Stay right of nose and work your way up the broad ridge to the top.


Start about 13' right of the Cracking Up inside corner.


top rope

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The right-most climbs at Pseudo Hawk's. 

The perspective of this pic makes The Pretzel and Immaculate Conception look right next to each other, but they are actually several feet apart.

The Leaning Tower gully is just up & right of Wild Horses.
[Hide Photo] The right-most climbs at Pseudo Hawk's. The perspective of this pic makes The Pretzel and Immaculate Conception look right next to each other, but they are actually several feet apart. The L…
The right side of Pseudo Hawk's Nest.
[Hide Photo] The right side of Pseudo Hawk's Nest.
The right side of Pseudo Hawk's Nest.
[Hide Photo] The right side of Pseudo Hawk's Nest.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

James Schroeder
Fort Collins, CO
[Hide Comment] Solid addition, I can't believe this wasn't on here yet. Nov 18, 2019
Phil S
[Hide Comment] It's apparently not a popular route, but it is listed in both the major DL guide books, so I thought it deserved to be added to Mtn Proj, too. Also, it looks like there's a good chance of swinging hard into the wall on the left if you loose your grip on the nose. Nov 19, 2019
Burton Lindquist
Madison, WI
[Hide Comment] Deserves more stars I think... Oct 15, 2020
Doug Hemken
Delta, CO
[Hide Comment] An unusual slab, worth exploring for it's novelty. Oct 15, 2020
Burton Lindquist
Madison, WI
[Hide Comment] It's strange climbing from the bottom ledge up too.. hand holds always over right and foot hold always over left??? Oct 15, 2020