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5.10, Sport, 25 ft (8 m),  Avg: 0 from 0 votes
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Yukon Territory > Alaska Highway… > Whitehorse to W… > Mt White > Rdside Crags > 3 Bolt Wonderland


Clamber through the best holds till you reach the ledges for a good rest. Head up and left to the top and traverse right on jugs. This climb shares the anchor with Desperate-ado.


Left side of large willow bush. To the left of Desperate-ado.


Four bolts. Shares Desperate-ado anchor station.

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Clamber on Left (pink) and Desperate-ado on Right (blue)
[Hide Photo] Clamber on Left (pink) and Desperate-ado on Right (blue)

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[Hide Comment] Unsure of grade. Nov 16, 2019
Charles Kalinsky
Whitehorse, YT
[Hide Comment] Karst can you remove your photo. There is no anchor at the top of those bolts. You have to traverse right to the anchor above Desperate-ado. May 15, 2020