Wings of Steel
5.10+ A3+ R,
Trad, Aid, 2000 ft (606 m), 13 pitches, Grade VI,
Avg: 4 from 2
FA: Richard Jensen & Mark Smith (1982)
> Yosemite NP
> Yosemite Valley
> Valley N Side
> B. El Capitan
> 2. Southwest Face
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Yosemite National Park has yearly closures for Peregrine Falcon Protection March 1- July 15. Always check the NPS website at… for the most current details and park alerts, and to learn more about the peregrine falcon, and how closures help it survive. This page also shares closures and warnings due to current fires, smoke, etc.
"Most Controversial Route on El Cap". This route has a wealth of history surrounding it, conspiracies over whether the first ascent team drilled holes for hooking, whether or not they had any big wall experience, death threats towards them, etc. The first ascent took 39 days and went unrepeated for nearly 30 years. Not only was it seen as a botch job of a climb, it was too difficult for most of those who attempted the route. Most routes on El Cap have no more than 15 hook moves, this route has over 100. This makes it incredibly difficult and dangerous, and something that only Ammon McNeely and his team (as well as the FA team), could complete, which he did in 2011. If you decide to do this, be prepared for regular 30-50 foot whippers on the 1,000 foot king slab, and hooking on edges that seem physically impossible.
Go up the 1000 foot king slab on the southwest face. Join the Aquarian Wall on pitch 13 after the Pitch 12 Bathook traverse
Any and All hooks you can find.
[Hide Photo] A3 Hooking on Talons on P2
[Hide Photo] Pitch 7 Belay on the First ascent. Brief natural section as a respite from the hooking.
Kansas City, MO
Prescott, AZ
Columbia, MO
Boulder, CO
Bishop, CA
There is a way to avoid this sort of unfortunate incident. If local climbers have concerns about the style a route “appears” to have been ascended, I suggest someone repeat the route BEFORE reacting. After all, if it's done in poor style repeating it should be easy, right? Years before, Royal Robbins established a dangerous precedent during the second ascent of the Wall of Early Morning Light, which he and Don Laura did with the intention of erasing it. The locals back then were also outraged by the perceived style they felt Harding and Caldwell climbed in. Robbins felt it was important that the route be removed on the very next ascent, otherwise that ascent would somehow “legitimize” it. This turned out to be very wrong headed thinking, as they had a change of heart about 300 feet up, after discovering the quality of the climbing was better than expected. They continued on from that point without inflicting further damage, eventually praising Harding's efforts. It would have been nice if he went back and repaired the damage done, or better yet, just climbed the route to evaluate it before reacting. If this approach had been followed on Wings of Steel, I think we'd have a whole different appreciation for the efforts of the FA party. Dec 14, 2024