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Kickstart to the Heart

V3-4, Boulder,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Connecticut > CT Bouldering > Hurd Park > Hillside Boulders > Split Boulder


Start with both hands on a positive jugs half way through Calm Waters, find some feet that work for you, and then get your hands up on the lip. From there using some technical footwork and crimps, figure out how to come out from under the lip and get on to the upper slab portion for the top out.

There are a couple of options that work for the top out.

Option 1: Mantle

Option 2: Bat Hang / Mantle


Starts half way through Calm Waters under the most overhanging section of the boulder.


1 - 2 crashpads

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Kickstart to the Heart (line of travel)
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