Boulder, 30 ft (9 m),
Avg: 2.5 from 2
FA: unknown
> Central & South…
> Charlottesville…
> Wintergreen
> Approach Boulders
Access Issue: Private property, so keep a low profile.
This area is owned by the resort, so definitely keep a low profile, minimize impact, and clean up after yourself. Occasionally the Beginner Slab will be occupied by a guide from Wintergreen, show some respect and stay out of their way.
Use deep rail and small underclings to work your way out to the lip to your right. From there, traverse left on increasingly good holds. Once you have reached the obvious left lift, throw far up, and back to make a hard mantel. Tops out up and left through dirty blocks
Back wall off on start
Starts in the back of the roof cave to left of the trail and Stickbug.