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50 lbs of Crack
Trad, 1200 ft (364 m), 8 pitches, Grade IV,
Avg: 3 from 1
FA: Richard Leversee, Herb Laeger
> Southern-Wester…
> Hwy 168:Tollhou…
> Patterson Bluff
> Patterson Left
Corner past big roof.
Note: the traverse above the roof on p9 needs 2 bolts added.
They were shown on the original topo but are not on the pitch at present time!
So it's very likely that Richard Leversee planned to add them after, but forgot.
Rap the route with 2 70m ropes to approach.
GPS location for start of raps:
36.925105, -119.092261
2x 70m ropes
2x TCUs + cams to #4
1x #5
1 set small + medium wires
[Hide Photo] Patterson Bluff - 50 lbs of Crack - topo by Dave Nettle, 2018
Pioneer, CA
Herb Laeger Sep 23, 2023