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5.12a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > 05. Cantons-de-… > Mt Orford (Pic… > d. Le grand mur
Warning Access Issue: SEPAQ day fee to be payed at parking or online DetailsDrop down


Variation of the classic Apologie. Climb the first 4 bolts of Apologie then go slightly to the left and up to a small roof. After the roof make a few moves and traverse left to the easy upper part of souveraineté. Stop at the first pitch anchor of souveraineté. 


6 feets left of souveraineté. This route share the first 4 bolts of Apologie. 


approx. 9 bolts to loweroff.