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Dirty Unknown

5.8, TR, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2 from 27 votes
FA: unknown
Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Big Cottonwood… > Dogwood Crag


Up the face and the smooth bulge to dirtier rock above. If someone has any information about this route, feel free to edit/add/remove.


Third set of chains from the climber's right, in between the 'Take Me To The River' bolted line and the other unnamed route.


Bolted anchors at the top. Probably can only be top roped, but there may be a few sparse nut placements possible.

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The climb
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Mantis toboggan
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Liam Wilson
Sandy, UT
[Hide Comment] The start is very polished and is 100% the "crux". Maybe 5.8? Beyond that, climbing is cruiser; 5.6 on pockets and jugs.

Have probably done this climb a few times on about 4 distinct days now with diff people. The start is only 5.8 if you go straight up below the anchors. If you do the start about a foot to the right, there's no way it's harder than 5.7 and is realistically 5.6 (no harder than the routes to the right) Aug 14, 2023