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Clipped My Wings

5.10+, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 20 votes
FA: B. Workman, D. Kloke
Washington > Northwest Region > San Juan, Fidal… > Mt Erie > (g) Main Wall > (b) Main Wall West


Route starts off with slightly overhanging smooth rock, this is the crux. Once you gain the 2nd bolt, follow the crack up and left for easier climbing. Top out at the chains for Springboard/On Eagles Wings.


Route starts at the horizontal tree branch “springboard” at the top of the ZigZag route. There are bolts/chains there and one can reach the bottom after two raps (70M rope).


6 bolts

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Routes above Zig Zag
Red: On Eagles Wings
Orange: Wingrider
Blue: Clipped My Wings
Yellow: Springboard
[Hide Photo] Routes above Zig Zag Red: On Eagles Wings Orange: Wingrider Blue: Clipped My Wings Yellow: Springboard
Start of Clipped My Wings
[Hide Photo] Start of Clipped My Wings
Got skunked at the crux which is after the 3 bolt.  Getting to this spot was no easy task either.
[Hide Photo] Got skunked at the crux which is after the 3 bolt. Getting to this spot was no easy task either.

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Josie Nickum
Guemes Island, WA
[Hide Comment] Crux is definitely at the 3rd bolt, where the rock gets smooth (like it is at Orange Wall). Nov 22, 2019
Joshua Thompson
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] If this is the route directly above the anchor for Zigzag, the rock is anything but smooth. It's the sharpest rock I had climbed, until the crux that is. Apr 20, 2020
Jack Guan
Beijing, CN
[Hide Comment] I may have done it wrong. There are at least two more cruxes after passing 2nd bolt, and I feel they are way over 10c. Hard to find foot holds / hand holds. I ended up using my aider twice (wasn't meant for this, shame). I saw so many bolts on the way up near by, any chance they are newly bolted? Sep 20, 2020
[Hide Comment] Could not figure out the sequence at the crux... oof. Nov 11, 2020
Undocked Piggies
People's Republic of West M…
[Hide Comment] I recall this pitch as having some pretty neat face climbing on it, and being a sweet finale to a few cruiser little pitches up the main wall. Nov 15, 2020
Mount Vernon, WA
[Hide Comment] I think either a hold broke or I was a better climber for the FA with Dallas. The crux felt stout and Frogs In Space felt like a cakewalk in comparison Nov 1, 2021
Max Wallner
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] There are 4 new bolts to the left for a variation to 'clipped my wings', not in the latest guidebook. They go up through some physical moves to a hidden hold above the 3rd bolt, then trend right to merge with upper 'clipped my wings'. Hope this helps reduce confusion; if you want to climb 'on eagles wings' P2 you have to go a little further left, past this bolted variation. Jun 24, 2022