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Savannah Daydreamin'

5.10c, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 13 votes
FA: Mack Johnson & Brad Albro (July 2000)
Washington > Central-W Casca… > N Bend & Vicinity > Exit 38 > Deception Crags > Substation


Crux start with slopers. Careful getting to the second bolt, falling at it without it clipped wouldn't be good. Past that there is an interesting cave then a short face to the anchor. 

The anchor is shared with the left two routes, Turf Safari & Bwana Be Your Man.


Left side of Substation, between Bwana....and Stick Boy.  Take care getting to the second bolt.


5 bolts, chain anchors with loweroffs.

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Savannah Daydreamin'
[Hide Photo] Savannah Daydreamin'

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Mack Johnson
Silverdale, WA
[Hide Comment] I used a single locking biner on the first bolt for the crux. Jul 5, 2019
Chris Stocking
[Hide Comment] Crux is probably pulling onto the wall and getting past the first few feet. Some fun moves pulling out of and over the little cave that's about half-way up. Sep 2, 2019
Quincy aka Tiffany Samson
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] Confused by the book beta which says to go straight up. Straight up seemed much harder than 10c and we couldn't even figure out what to do there. Went a little left after the first bolt instead. Sep 18, 2021
Sage Bedell
Seattle, WA
[Hide Comment] This appears to be an independent bolt line? The guidebook mentions starting on Turf Safari but we found an independent line sandwiched between Turf and Stick Boy. I added a picture of what we found. Let me know if its incorrect. Sep 18, 2023