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Mine and Yours

5.10a/b V3, Trad, Boulder, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 9 votes
FA: Brad Young '09
California > Sonora Pass Hig… > Table Mountain > Grotto
Warning Access Issue: Agreement in place at Gold Wall. Respect signs and private property owners near the crags. DetailsDrop down


Another contrived route, but still fun!

Go up the thin crack to the right of Go With The Flow, then cut back left  to GWTF around 90% of the way up using some horizontal edges. One could probably continue straight up and not bail out left, but it looks real hard.

If you stay mostly off the arete to your right it felt 10a/b to me. My partner used the arete more heavily and said it made it more 5.9.


Lots of thin stuff.

C3s, RPs, and small mastercams would do it

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Go up the thinner center right crack
[Hide Photo] Go up the thinner center right crack
The wild "V3" direct finish! Someone should throw 1 bolt on here and call it 5.11d/12a
[Hide Photo] The wild "V3" direct finish! Someone should throw 1 bolt on here and call it 5.11d/12a

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Brad Young
Twain Harte, CA
[Hide Comment] It's called "Mine and Yours." And assuming that you're talking about the arete to the right up near the top, that's part of the climb, at least as it was originally done (line of least resistance and all). It also exits left almost at the very top as you've described.

I think the route is pretty well documented on page 44 of the 2013 guidebook (where it's given 5.9 * - which is exactly consistent with your comments, thereby confirming that yes, great minds do think alike). Jun 1, 2019
  5.10 V3
[Hide Comment] Did the route on TR today staying true to the line and not bailing left. This leads you to an unprotectable orange stembox just below the anchors that I would call V3. Took a single hang while sussing out the moves and then sent. Boulder problem characterized by some intense stemming to a 2 finger crimp; all jugs after that.

Could be a reasonable line with a single bolt somewhere in the orange section. May 8, 2021