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The Jewel

V3, Boulder,  Avg: 2.8 from 36 votes
FA: unknown
Washington > Central-W Casca… > Skykomish Valley > Index > * Bouldering at… > River Boulders > Gemstone Boulder


From the guidebook "start standing using an incut right-facing sidepull and a low left hand. Top out straight up." I started with my left hand around the arete since I wasn't exactly sure which "low left hand" the guidebook was referring to. I'm pretty tall, and the move to the lip felt reachy.

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The Jewel
[Hide Photo] The Jewel
Aidan slapping the lip on The Jewel
[Hide Photo] Aidan slapping the lip on The Jewel
Classic butt shot
[Hide Photo] Classic butt shot
The Jewel
[Hide Photo] The Jewel

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[Hide Comment] I started this with the lowest right hand sidepull and left hand palming the sloper on the low bulge. Seems v3 from there. Aug 21, 2019
Drew Byron
Philadelphia, PA