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Cherry Pie

5.9, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 41 votes
FA: Thomas Pham
New Mexico > Truth or Conseq… > Mud Mountain > Winter Wall


This route offers a variety of different moves and features. You get crimps, jugs, and side-pulls! Easy climbing up the first three bolts and you'll reach an arete which is the crux. Move off of a good side pull and grip down on a good crimp. There are fun foot placements on this route.


This is the second route when you reach the crag. It is in the middle of Semi-Automatic and Lost Alien. The bolts are black.


6 bolts to 2 bolt anchor with permanent draws.

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Sterling high on Cherry Pie
[Hide Photo] Sterling high on Cherry Pie
Placing the second bolt, the first is visible in the dust below me. The rope on the left is placed static on semi automatic and pulled to the right on a bolt for little green alien. This route splits the two going up the prominent face.
[Hide Photo] Placing the second bolt, the first is visible in the dust below me. The rope on the left is placed static on semi automatic and pulled to the right on a bolt for little green alien. This route spli…
The scar just above the second draw is where a large block was pulled off. The strength of the bolt below the scar is in question. I would not feel good about falling on it. This route should be avoided.
[Hide Photo] The scar just above the second draw is where a large block was pulled off. The strength of the bolt below the scar is in question. I would not feel good about falling on it. This route should be av…

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Jason Halladay
Los Alamos, NM
[Hide Comment] There were chains/links on the anchor hangers this past weekend so we added aluminum biners to complete the setup for easy lowering. If one has some steel biners to contribute and swap out the aluminum biners, that would be ideal. Dec 16, 2019
Max Moulton
Ranchos De Taos
[Hide Comment] The aluminum biners are starting to wear out on this route. I anyone has some steel and are headed that way, they are in need of replacement. Dec 21, 2020
Karson Leonard
Moab, UT
[Hide Comment] Strongly recommend skipping this climb. There's a lot of loose rock and large chunks with high potential to break. While climbing it my partner broke off a very large chunk of rock and was hit with it in the chest and arm resulting in several deep cuts and possible broken bone. The aluminum carabineers are also showing a lot of wear and need to be replaced.

If you choose to climb it be highly cautious. Jan 6, 2021
Anna Brown
New Mexico
[Hide Comment] We cleaned the remains of the fractured rock and the route felt safe on lead to me.

Also, someone added steel carabiners to the anchor. The left anchor bolt could use a 4-5 link section of chain if anyone has some to add. Jan 17, 2021