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Baby Joe

5.12a, Sport, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 45 votes
FA: Joe Kinder??
Utah > Southwest Utah > Saint George > Hurricave


This route makes for a good warmup in addition to "Over the Transom"  Pull thru the initial bulge, probably best to use the first bolt or a stickclip if it's your first time  up.  Walk across the chossy ledge and start up on the steep face on mostly jugs past several fixed draws.  At the last bolt encounter the crux with sloping sidepulls and fingerlocks up the crack feature.


Right side of the cave as you are looking into the cave.  Starts to the right of Skinwalker.  3rd line to the right of the warmup classic "Over the Transom".  To the right is "Outer World"

Start of a ledge in the middle of the approach trail.


8 bolts to anchors. Fully fixed

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Me starting up the second part of Baby Joe after the ledge - Thanksgiving 2019
[Hide Photo] Me starting up the second part of Baby Joe after the ledge - Thanksgiving 2019
Baby Joe
[Hide Photo] Baby Joe
Landon on baby joe
[Hide Photo] Landon on baby joe

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Landon McDowell
Saint George UT
[Hide Comment] I thought this route was easier then over the transom and maybe serves a better warm up? Mar 2, 2020
Aaron Shamy