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We All Lived on a Russian Submarine

5.11a, Sport, 85 ft (26 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 8 votes
FA: The Morse-Bradys and S. Vedder (March 2019)
Wyoming > Lander Area > Sinks Canyon > Fairfield Hill > 1. Fairfield East > 3. The Marxism Wall


Start up a deceptively-tricky, right-leaning ramp before manteling onto the top of a pillar.  From there, continue up crimps and pockets through the headwall.

This climb is named in honor of a story told by Bob Branscomb about the origin of the upcycled titanium hangers that it features.


This climb takes the left side of the pillar that contains Big Bambu. Look for a right-trending, low-angle ramp.


12 bolts to ring anchors stick clipping the first is recommended.

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We All Lived on a Russian Submarine (March 2019)
[Hide Photo] We All Lived on a Russian Submarine (March 2019)

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[Hide Comment] Good addition y''all. I did pull 2 good size flakes off around bolt 6-7. Enjoyed the upper face. Mar 10, 2020
Charles Jonas
Alpine, WY
[Hide Comment] Fun climb for the area.

The position of the first 2 bolts makes the start feel "trickier" than it probably actually is. Seems like it would have been better to put the bolts on the wall left of the ramp instead of the right edge... I'm guessing the developer had his reason. Makes for an "exciting" TR for the second. Dec 7, 2020