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Goat's Foot
Ice, 150 ft (45 m),
Avg: 4 from 6
FA: Dennis Luther & Tom Yandon Feb. 1986
New York
> Adirondacks
> Adirondack Ice…
> A: Northeast
> Poke-O-Moonshine
Access Issue: Follow trail from old state campground
The adjacent private landowners have been having issues with climbers crossing their property. Please approach from the old campground and follow the existing trail to avoid crossing any private property. Do not hike straight up to the cliff, even if you have to park on the road. Access Fund worked with local climbers to order and install signs along the private property boundaries. Please respect these signs and our neighbors.
Starts on a ramp just left of a big right facing corner and follows this up to the column at the top. Route can offer decent rests in fat ice years or be very steep and sustained in thinner conditions.
The large flow just left of the Waterfall. There's a large, dead cedar hanging over the top-out that's been there for ages.
Screws. Trees for anchors at the top.
[Hide Photo] Rather thin conditions. 7Feb2021.
[Hide Photo] Goat's Foot is the flow in the middle of the picture. Starts on the dark stone ramp and extends up toward the dead tree. Feb 2, 2024
[Hide Photo] Goats Foot starts on the ramp on the left. Get a Job M6 (Jeff Lowe) climbs the corner directly then traverses to join the ice above.