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Birthday Bash

5.10c/d, Sport, 55 ft (17 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 6 votes
FA: Jerry Messinger
Oregon > Southwest Oregon > Rattlesnake > (4)The Cathedral


Easily recognizable by the clean cut slot of missing rock on the right side leaving the Cathedral. While the boltline follows the mostly featureless face, you’ll be climbing the outer, featured wall to the left. 

Start in the middle of the slot, move up the left side of the ledge that runs across the slot, then enjoy a fun bouldery sequence across the sheer face to arrive at a small ledge, looking up the outer face. 

You’ll make some but not much use of the arete, mostly for clipping. 


Left bolt line in the large slot on the right side as you walk through the cathedral towards Janes Buttress. The bolt line shares the first bolt with Beavis Buddies, but then splits left towards the outer edge of the left side.


Protected by 8 bolts. Anchor with chains

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Jake finding the line
[Hide Photo] Jake finding the line
Luke romping the slab finish of Birthday Bash.
[Hide Photo] Luke romping the slab finish of Birthday Bash.