yellow ice drips down a deep chimney parasols and can be a soaker
History (aka "About the name") - As related below this climb has an interesting history of "Who Done It First". COMMENTs and a personal message from Kurt Winkler indicates he and Charles Smith seem to have been the first, in 2006. Kurt, no stranger to FA's throughout the White Mtns, requested that the name of the climb be changed to "Goldline", both in recognition of the color of the ice and in "honor" of his very first climbing rope, a Goldline rope, and I have made that the "primary" name, while also retaining the two other names parties have given the climb. (So that a search will come up with any of the 3 names.)
For those too young to have experienced Goldline ropes, they were made in the USA (primaily for boating applications, I believe) and were considerably less expensive that the "Perlon / Kernmantel" ropes imported from Europe by very few importers. (REI and Peter Limmer & Sons being two I knew of). They did have some interesting properties: Being a "laid" rope ( 3 strands, twisted into "one") they had a habit of wanting to untwist when rappelling off an overhang, and they had a stretch-factor that far exceeded any of today's UIAA requirements for climbing ropes. (However, this latter factor made them desirable for ice climbing, since the ice gear of the day was, shall we say, less than ideal in holding power; so the stretch would (in theory) dissipate the falling energy over a greater time period thus lessening the force on the ice-"piton/screw/what-have-you"! ) R Hall 8/4/20 NH Admin.
Seth Maciejowski
[Hide Comment] Alden Pellett and I did this route back in 07 and found no evidence of an FA. We were calling it Goldmine at the time and I think Paul got to it in 09 or so. Could be wrong, but it’s a great line whatever the history...
Mar 17, 2019
Charles Smith
[Hide Comment] Kurt Winkler and I did this route on 27 February, 2006 and found no evidence of an FA. The temperature barely broke 10F that day. It's a striking line in a great location.
Jul 12, 2020