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5.9+, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 38 votes
FA: Sarah and Lance
New Mexico > Truth or Conseq… > Mud Mountain > Winter Wall


Crux is at the bulge near the top.


Second route at Winter Wall.


Bolts to fixed anchor.

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Just past the crux on Semiautomatic
[Hide Photo] Just past the crux on Semiautomatic

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Lily Conrad
Coeur d'Alene, ID
[Hide Comment] The nut on the right bolt at the anchor could use a good tightening with a wrench! Climbed it on 1/23/21 and the hanger was super loose. I tightened it by hand but it would benefit from some mechanical power for the safety of future climbers. Jan 24, 2021
Ben Burnett
[Hide Comment] I would suggest being strong at the grade before leading this. I found the clipping stance for the bolt above the crux to be very awkward and a fall from there could land you on the ledge below. Part of the problem is that the very low angle rock at the base of this one would make it easy for a belayer to get "sucked" into the wall if the leader falls. One could belay from a pod at the base of the steeper rock using one of the lead bolts as a belay bolt as long as you're comfortable scrambling up to it. Mar 26, 2021