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Cave Probelm Sit

V7, Boulder, 18 ft (5 m),  Avg: 3.6 from 9 votes
FA: unknown
New Jersey > d. Mid-state > bouldering mid… > Witherspoon Woods Bou…


This boulder adds a sit start to the "cave problem". Start with your hands on two low crimps with solid feet on the inside right of the cave. Work through a couple good crimps and then make a big move into the starting ledge of the cave problem. With an awkward heel hook and undercling slap to a sloper. From here make a big move to a good edge over the lip. Traverse left through small crimps (although you can top out going straight up from the crimps, I have done this finish and don't think it is any harder, and it seems like a shame to waste the fun holds you get exiting to the left) and the occasional feet to top out on the left side above a smaller boulder. 


This climb starts in the cave located in the middle of the boulder field. 


The more pads the better, but I did it with one pad and no spotter.

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Graffiti in paradise
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Theodore Tel
Will S
Boston, MA
[Hide Comment] As of 2020 a pretty important flake below the lip broke. It's now maybe half a grade harder to get to the good part of the lip and I'd say the problem is slightly less enjoyable too. Apr 15, 2022
Yehudis Burton
New Jersey
[Hide Comment] My longest project ever. It deserves all the stars in my opinion.
Sit:… Oct 31, 2024