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Golden Hind

V6, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 3 from 8 votes
FA: Miles Galloway
New Hampshire > Pawtuckaway > Boulder Natural > Swamp Boulders > Colossal Cluster
Warning Access Issue: Parking Issues: Starting 10/24/20 a reservation will be required to park at Reservation Rd. on all days and for the Backside on the weekends. See DetailsDrop down


Once you imagine there are actually holds, stand start the center of the slab and climb straight up. tricky and delicate climbing, good luck! 


You’ll find this slab on the back side of the mad hatter boulder. If entering from devils den trail, walk past the problem “mouthful of chalk” and the slab will be on your right.


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Mid crux!
[Hide Photo] Mid crux!