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5.12a/b, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 2 votes
FA: Mike Williams
Idaho > Central Idaho > Fins > Discovery Wall > Martini Sector


Bouldery, and a little sharp.


The furthest left route on the Discovery wall. Near Hazmat on the shorter almost discrete wall just before the gully separating the Discovery and Yellowcake walls.


Bolts, anchors added in 2020

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Max Tepfer
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] This one's pretty classy, but could use some more traffic to scrape down the lichen and buff down some of the sharp edges. Arguably 4 stars if it got more attention. Jul 27, 2021
[Hide Comment] Anchors were added to this route in 2020. Aug 30, 2021