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My Ovaries Killing Me!

5.12a, Sport, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 37 votes
FA: Chris Bridge
Connecticut > Central Valley > Bear Rock


An extension to Garbajistan. After the anchors to Garbajistan, trend left and pull a roof with a critical heel hook. 3 bolts leads to a set of chains. 


Extension off of Garbajistan


3 bolts to a 2 bolt anchor

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Shawn S
Seattle WA
[Hide Comment] Extendo on Garbajistan anchor recommended to reduce rope drag; watch out for rope rub on last bolt under chains when lowering. Jun 4, 2019
Eric Newhart
beast coast
[Hide Comment] Recommend skipping Garbajistan anchor and put the extendo on the bolt just above it. Oct 3, 2021
Jesse Bryant
New Haven, CT
[Hide Comment] from the 4th bolt of garbajistan til the chains it’s on! probably no 12 move on the climb, but sustained. hanger on bolt beneath the roof seemed lose. didn’t extend from first set of anchors and drag was fine. Nov 1, 2022