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Hot Drinks

5.11c, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 4 votes
FA: Tim Wagner
Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Maple Canyon Rd > Box Canyon > Jehovah Wall
Warning Access Issue: Box Canyon is privately owned. DetailsDrop down


This is short and burly for the grade, but also a lot of fun. If it were at the Pipeline it would be 5.12a. 


This and Bleeding but well Paid are about 45 feel to the left of Jesus Freak. ( not part of the Towing Jehovah area) Both routes start on a ledge about 40 feet off the ground, accessed by scrambling up the easy slab. Hot Drinks is on the right. 



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Jeremy Steck
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I've wondered about this route for years but never saw any chalk and didn't want to get involved. It's good and should see more traffic. It feels a bit burly for the grade, but I bet if some more holds were cleaned and ticked, it might feel more like the OG rating. Give it a go! Aug 30, 2020