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Baby Huey

5.11, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Lee Cunningham
Washington > Central-E Casca… > Leavenworth > Tumwater Canyon > Clem's Holler Area > Trail to Clem's


Carefully work your way up to the base of a right leaning dihedral and slot a couple solid pieces before the fun begins.  The initial flake seems a little loose but unlikely to dislodge.  Then, buckle up for 15ft of insecure finger locks and stemming until the crack heads left.  Better to place wires than obstruct your only good finger locks!  Seems like a huge sandbag for the grade. 


Just after starting up the trail for Clem’s Holler you will see a granite blob on the left. 


Rack to 2”, helpful to have some offset wires

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Looking directly up the very thin corner
[Hide Photo] Looking directly up the very thin corner
Sick looking corner, a bit steeper than it looks in the photo
[Hide Photo] Sick looking corner, a bit steeper than it looks in the photo