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5.12a, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 3.8 from 12 votes
FA: Steve Deweese
Alabama > Little River Ca… > Grace Falls


Steep endurance jug hauling. Even if the top is a bit wet the necessary holds may be dry... 


Second route from the right, just right of the aptly named Spongebob.


8 bolts plus anchors

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bernard wolfe
birmingham, al
[Hide Comment] There is a route called Grace's Buckets......goes up right under the waterfall. Why is it not listed here? Nov 6, 2023
[Hide Comment] @bernard- Probably because it isn't seeing a lot action? At the time of this post there's a fair amount of ivy on the route and the belay is not the most inviting spot. It's also a bit all by itself, on the approach towards Liquor wall. Sep 25, 2024