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No Special Talent
Sport, 85 ft (26 m),
Avg: 2.7 from 105
FA: Mike Carrington, 2017
> Golden
> Clear Creek Canyon
> Death Valley
Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures
Please be aware of the annual raptor seasonal closures!
Raptor Closures Effective February 1-July 31 Visit:… Tunnel 1 closure
For more details visit:… The two areas Jefferson County Open Space intends to close in Clear Creek Canyon, shown on the attached maps, encompass the active eagle nests. If the Clear Creek eagles continue to nest in the active nests, these areas will remain closed from February 1 through July 31. If the eagles choose different nesting sites, the closures will be adjusted accordingly to protect those eagles during their breeding season. Currently, rock climbing areas that fall inside of the seasonal raptor closures include:
Blonde Formation
Bumbling Stock
Evil Area
Ghost Crag
Skinny Legs
Stumbling Block
Tetanus Garden
Fault Caves
There are many challenging cruxes on this one! The opening crux sequence is very sequential, and the rock a little chossy. It is highly advised for the belayer to belay right at the start to minimize groundfall potential clipping the 2nd bolt. After this, it is easy climbing up to the final headwall. The headwall has many tricky and balancy moves, so it makes for a real challenge! It steepens even more just below the top, but thankfully, once you stretch for them, you get some good holds.
11 bolts plus 2 for the anchor.
Northglenn, CO
Centennial, CO
Denver, CO
Rio Rancho, NM
Denver, CO.
Arvada, CO
Stickcliping the second bolt removes any decking potential, and I would recommend doing that if you are breaking into the grade.
My opinion on the CCC 11a scale: Harder than Stemmingway, easier than Reefer Madness.
A few different options at the end, traversing right and taking the hero jug haul was my method. Apr 20, 2022
Around Boulder, CO
Denver, CO