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Back with My Kind

5.11d, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 4 from 5 votes
FA: Andrew Barry and Mike Artz - 1988
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Endless Wall > N) The Undeserved Area
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


A phenomenal route. The way it was phrased to me was; "This is one of the most classic Endless Wall routes...for a day like this..."
Irrespective of what that actually meant this route is a wonderful experience. I was also told that one of the first ascensionists had moved away from the Fayetteville area and put this route up on a return trip back "home," hence the name. He was back with his kind, and I felt the same this season climbing with the wonderful folks of the Fayetteville community.

The coolness starts right off the bat, and each segment of the climb has unique and intricate moves. There's a little commitment involved, so be ready. The finish is airy, and the route has nearly perfect stone.


Directly up the prow just left of Undeserved and Brisket Back, starting in a short dihedral.


Small gear to start, draws for the 4 bolts, and a #3 BD for the top. There isn't an anchor, but there's a nice tree to use, and the Undeserved anchors are just over right on the ledge.

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[Hide Comment] I just got back on this for the first time in a few years. Contender for the hardest 11d at the NRG. So good! Dec 8, 2019