Per Ross Andrea: Ramparts Range Road is closed December 1.
March 1st-July 31st: Devil's Head Rock, Sin City, & Recovery Wall are closed for raptor protection. The vast majority of the other crags are unaffected by the closure. Please visit:… for additional information and maps.
Engaging climbing leads to a short section of slab. Conquer the roof, and motor on easy terrain to the anchor.
[Hide Comment] The slab between bolts 3 & 4 will get your attention - I had a long pause looking for a viable sequence before committing to a high step and otherwise relatively featureless moves. I found this far more challenging than the 9 next door (Coffee with Cream).
Apr 30, 2018
[Hide Comment] I agree with John....the moves getting past the 3rd bolt felt thin and hard for 5.8. I wonder if a hold broke off, because it's pretty blank till you hit the fourth bolt.
May 13, 2018
[Hide Comment] The crux felt harder than 5.8+, more like 5.9+. It kind of blanks out and requires some trickery. Probably didn't help that I've got a taped up A2 pulley on my right hand. Overall, this was pretty fun and definitely makes you think through bolt #3 :)
Aug 13, 2018
[Hide Comment] Yikes! Way trickier than the routes around it of similar grade. The roof is SO fun but getting to it is tough. I'm calling this route a 9.
Jun 30, 2019
Morrison, CO
Castle Rock, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Arvada, CO