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Bone Dry

5.11a/b, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 11 votes
FA: Cory Hanson
Arizona > Southern Arizona > Dry Canyon > 3 - Spine Cave


Bone dry does not describe many situations you want to find yourself in but this climb is one of them! Follow a gently left trending line of draws that tackles a bone white bulge just left of the Spine Cave proper through a jutting-cobble and a missing-cobble. After the bulge, pull into the scoop to the right to finish at chains shared by 'Way too Dry'.


Follows the left edge of the Spine Cave.


7 draws to chains

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Luke Bertelsen
Tucson, AZ
[Hide Comment] Another proper warm-up for the Spine Cave area. There is an inobvious method for the crux right before the chains. If you don't get it figured out this climb will feel a tad harder than 11a. Pumpy climbing through the top of the climb. Dec 25, 2017