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Not Tobie

5.12a/b, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 3.8 from 8 votes
FA: unknown
New Mexico > Santa Fe Area > Pecos River Canyon > Rim of the World


Best, most aesthetic, route at the crag on neat zebra streaked stone. Tobie, the direct start, adds about 1 pump point. This fine route begins with easier climbing on slightly overhanging terrain, trending right, into some tricky corner funk, to a few powerful moves concluding with some fun moves to the anchor.


Left side of the cave


8 bolts

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NM’s favorite Frenchman enjoys the first crux
[Hide Photo] NM’s favorite Frenchman enjoys the first crux

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Max Schon
Santa fe
[Hide Comment] Tobie is really the better climbing and makes for a more sustained route. Starting on Tobie and finishing on the last two bolts Right of Tobie adds another pump point. Jul 15, 2020