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Steady Slobbin'

5.14b/c, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 4 from 2 votes
FA: Dave Graham
New Hampshire > Rumney > Monsters from the Id
Warning Access Issue: Note: New route moratorium area DetailsDrop down


Steady Slobbin' is a link up of the V9/10 boulder of Parallel Universe and the 13+ meat of Boogeyman. It is significantly harder than Parallel, as the climbing from the Parallel boulder problem to the anchors is 13c/d compared with 13a on Parallel. It is a power endurance testpiece and it has been said that Steady is hard in the grade.

After the 2nd bolt of Parallel, head up and left to finish on Boogeyman. It's really not contrived and much less so than other popular Rumney link-ups.


Left of JTAMP, right of Heaven


5 bolts

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Will McFarland
Enfield, NH
[Hide Comment] Steady was significantly harder than China Beach to me. Perhaps it warrants an upgrade. Dec 19, 2023