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Panther Mode

V9-10, Boulder,  Avg: 3 from 3 votes
FA: Tyler Hogan
New Hampshire > Monadnock Region > Pulpit Falls


Start matched on an obvious block. Use a seam crimp on the face to move into top notch compression moves on the arete. Work all the way up the arete to a tricky top out on gritty rock.


From the parking area, hike down the blue blazed trail to the river. Cross the river and head left following blue blazes until you reach the falls. From Pulpit falls, cross the river and head up stream to a large pool in the river. Panther Mode is on the back side of the boulder in the center of the stream. It sits right on the water.



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Tom O'Malley on Panther Mode
[Hide Photo] Tom O'Malley on Panther Mode