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Poker Face

5.8, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2 from 5 votes
FA: Bob Gaines and Dave Mayville, July 1993
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Tahquitz Rock > (g) W Face > W Face - Left Side


Up a featured flake to a horizontal crack with a fixed cam. Two choices here: straight ahead is a bolt for the original line (.12a), or follow the horizontal crack left to a left facing corner (.8).

If you do the .8 variation, follow the corner up through so-so terrain until another right-slanting crack leads you to a ledge with two bolts. Anchor is shared with the Frightful Variation, Scarface, and some other climbs. Not a bad choice to run up if someone is on Dave's since you can quickly rap down.

I listed the route as .8 since only did that and not the .12a face.


Start about 40ft right of Dave's and immediately left of Scarface.


Cams to 3 inches for the .8 variation, cams to 2 inches plus two bolts for the .12a face. Two bolt anchor with rap rings.

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Jesica leading the poker face crack
[Hide Photo] Jesica leading the poker face crack

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Jaime BB
San Diego, CA
[Hide Comment] Don’t need any more than a single rack for this route. You can also easily clip the 2nd bolt on the face variation which saves a bit of drag.
Great way to TR Devil’s Delight or Scarface if you’re not up for that lead. May 25, 2024