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5.10a, Sport,  Avg: 1.7 from 23 votes
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Ontario > Ontario S Bould… > Golden Horseshoe > Mt Nemo > K. Dance Wall
Warning Access Issue: Top rope ban in effect@SEMICOLON@ DO NOT SLING THE CEDARS. DetailsDrop down


Right side of the wall beginning on a ledge part way up.


7 bolts.

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Austin pulls the crux move on Polka.
[Hide Photo] Austin pulls the crux move on Polka.

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Derrick W
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] This is the rightmost route on the wall, located about 5 meters right of Rescue #25. The first bolt is high, but the scrambling required to get to it is very easy. There is exactly one move that may give you yours trust in the glassy, polished foothold and you will be rewarded. Sep 15, 2018