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Speed Crack (aka Sign Crack)

5.8, Trad, TR, 47 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 29 votes
FA: Tom Rogers, May 1972
Oregon > Willamette Valley > Skinner Butte (aka Th…


Speed Crack (also known as Sign Crack) is the left, wider crack on the 4th column. 

Climb the face of the 4th column up to the left crack that starts with finger/ring locks and opens to hands near the top.
Stay completely in the crack for a more wild ride. Use small holds on the face close to the crack only if you need to make the climb a bit easier.

In the 60s the city had erected a sign suggesting that permission was required to climb at the area. Hence the name Sign Crack.

This route is listed as #20 and labeled as Sign Crack on the Skinner Butte sign board.


0.2-#2 Camalot Sizes

Anchors on top

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Main Buttress Area
[Hide Photo] Main Buttress Area
Main Buttress Overview with column numbers
[Hide Photo] Main Buttress Overview with column numbers
Looking up at Speed Crack (left) and Forthright (right)
[Hide Photo] Looking up at Speed Crack (left) and Forthright (right)

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Pedro Hoffmeister
Eugene, OR
[Hide Comment] FA and rating info for admin: Tom Rogers FA was in May of 1972. Rogers/Watts rated this climb 5.8. Said the route is a 5.9 if directly jammed (only the left crack for hands and feet after the first 15 feet - no face holds or wandering). So rating should be changed to the more accurate 5.8 for left crack only. Aug 7, 2019
Nate Ball

[Hide Comment] I gave the route a 5.8 rating but it will need one more to override the original submitter's grade of 5.6. FA info added. Aug 7, 2019
Pedro Hoffmeister
Eugene, OR
[Hide Comment] Nate, thanks so much for being the admin of this page! I appreciate it. Aug 10, 2019
Jeff J.
Sioux Falls, SD
[Hide Comment] How is the description? I’m happy to update anything. It seemed like descriptions in books and the sign were vague and seemed to be contradicting. I did the best I could with my resources and experience! Aug 10, 2019
Pedro Hoffmeister
Eugene, OR
[Hide Comment] Good question, Jeff. I just wrote a better description. Aug 10, 2019