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5.13d, Sport,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Mike Williams 2011
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > Meadow River Gorge > Lower Meadow > 2 Toxic Hueco Area
Warning Access Issue: PARKING ALONG HIGHWAY 19 DetailsDrop down


Preclip bolt two and climb delicately through some suspect rock. Perform a long move to a jug at the second bolt, and then make a few easy moves to a roof. One bolt after the roof, the route earns its grade with a tough boulder problem to overcome a stretch of blankness.

As the name suggests, the boulder can be done in three ways - the right and center methods both involve a long pull off a mono stack with the left or right hand, respectively, to a tiny divot or a lousy, condition-dependent sloper, respectively. The leftmost beta involves better holds that are unfortunately sideways. Significantly easier terrain leads to the anchors.

Pick your own adventure, or alternate betas so as to spread the tendon damage evenly between your hands.


The next route right of Toxic Hueco.


7 bolts to a bolt anchor.