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5.9, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Greg Collins, Paul Billups
W Virginia > Seneca Rocks > S Peak - E Face > Southeast Corner


P1: Climb the steepening face, getting pro where you can, moving up to the small overhang at about half-height. Pull up into cracks and continue up the face, resisting the urge to step right to easier terrain. A good horizontal break provides a spot for a solid cam before you continue up, stepping right onto the obvious large ledge near the top.

Exposed, steep and airy.


This is technically a variation to Lower Skyline Direct (LSD) but as it starts on the very outer edge of the Southeast Corner, I put the entry here and listed it separately. Start from the end of LSD's P1, at a nice flat area beneath a steep face. This is around to the left from Skyline Traverse's main crack pitch (P1).


Small pro helpful down low (RPs/offset brass, peanuts or the like and small cams).