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Grunt Groove

5.7, Trad, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 4 votes
FA: unknown
Massachusetts > Eastern, MA > Rattlesnake Rocks > Playground
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Jug haul a short (and slightly overhanging), blocky section of the lower wall to a ledge. An alternate start is the lower crack formed by the right-facing corner; this offers better protection to the ledge. Then climb the crack (using some side crimpers) at the upper, left-facing corner. Stem your feet on small edges. The steepness eases considerably for the (slabby) topout, which follows a wider crack to the clifftop.


Look for the blocky, overhanging lower section to the (climber's) left of the Six Pack roof. Use the same start as Let There Be Jugs, but climb the upper (left-facing corner) crack instead of the overhanging face.


A toprope or gear up to 1.5".

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The climber is on the ledge splitting Grunt Groove and Let There Bbe Jugs.
[Hide Photo] The climber is on the ledge splitting Grunt Groove and Let There Bbe Jugs.