Type: | Trad |
FA: | Some Czech Dudes |
Page Views: | 752 total · 8/month |
Shared By: | Dave Hug on May 30, 2017 · Updates |
Admins: | Aaron Mc, Dave Hug, Kevin Sierzega |
Begin on the angling crack just right of High Flying Bird, protecting when necessary. Clip the bolt on the small vertical face and work your way into the "Honey Comb" featured section. Clip the last bolt and pull the bulge to reach the anchor.
All Sport Climbing Option
Begin on High Flying Bird, climb through the first 2 bolts and pull over the first bulge. From here work up and right, skipping the open book feature of H.F.B. and a word towards a bolt on the short vertical face, followed by a bolt in a "honey comb" featured spot. Clip this bolt and pull the last strenuous bulge to reach the anchor.