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Bull in a China Shop

V3, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 6 votes
FA: Rob Gerke
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > Dry Creek > S Side Boulders > Bullwinkle Boulder


The east side of the boulder, there are 3 nuts placed in the rock, just down from them, you'll see the start of Bull in a China Shop. Start on slopy starting holds, moving your feet across the bottom. You'll move your hands up and then heel hook or high step yourself to ledge. From there, you'll go more left to not as secure hands and a slopy top out.


2 Pads are nice for this one

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Beta photo of Bull in a China Shop
[Hide Photo] Beta photo of Bull in a China Shop
Fun problem. As you can see the boulder has changed a little. One of the rocks in the crack has been removed. The remaining hold is solid though.
[Hide Photo] Fun problem. As you can see the boulder has changed a little. One of the rocks in the crack has been removed. The remaining hold is solid though.
Resting spot
[Hide Photo] Resting spot