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Sidewalk Chalk

5.12b, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 4 votes
FA: Crit Conrad, Alan Watts
Oregon > Central Oregon > Smith Rock > (z) Lower Gorge > W Side > (2) Wildfire Wall
Warning Access Issue: 2023 Seasonal Raptor Nesting Closures DetailsDrop down


An awesome new variation to "Edge of the Road". Start by doing the entire crux sequence of On the Road to about the half way mark on that route. Put a runner on your last piece of gear and move up and left on good holds to a stance on the arete. From here, get ready to execute hard and sometimes funky moves at every bolt. Great stances allow casual clips, but the movement in between is difficult and sometimes perplexing.

Above the last bolt you can place a small wire or ball nut to take a little sting out of the last moves. Everything culminates in a pumping sequence to and through a small crack (which is also your last gear) before easy terrain to a new anchor on a pedestal about 10 feet up and left of On the Road's Anchor


Start as for On the Road and finish on a new 2 bolt anchor above


Gear to .5 inches, possibly 3 in the .5 camalot/orange metolius size. Optional blue ball nut or small offset nut, and 3 bolts.

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Max Tepfer
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] Super fun variation! I forgot to bring gear for the top and grabbed On the Road for the very last hard move to the pod. Felt 12a-ish that way. It would be pretty contrived to avoid the hand jam as the sequence orients your body such that the crack is right there. Sep 18, 2017
Max R
[Hide Comment] Tried to TR solo this after a couple laps on On the Road. Man a couple of the moves are super cryptic. Had zero chalk on it. Poor feet, and delicate moves. May 26, 2020