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Lucky Corner

5.10-, Trad, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Michigan > Upper Peninsula > Marquette (and… > Palmer > Slugg's Bluff Roped


This route climbs a flake on the left side of a dihedral for twenty feet. Then the route climbs a few small ledges heading into two small roofs. Climb around the left of the first roof and then to the right of the second roof ending at the rap rings.


The route is the second route from the left of Open Book. Between Lucky Corner and Open Book there is a 7 shaped crack. It should be in a corner with a small roof. From the ground you can see rap rings on this route.


.3-3 cams and a set of nuts. Ring anchors

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UPCC removed the trees that had grown into these routes. This route will be money again.
[Hide Photo] UPCC removed the trees that had grown into these routes. This route will be money again.
MJ on the sharp end
[Hide Photo] MJ on the sharp end
Lucky Corner 5.10a
[Hide Photo] Lucky Corner 5.10a

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Eric Krause
Marquette, MI
[Hide Comment] I will add a photo for this route next time I get out to Palmer Apr 9, 2017