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Son of Flubber

5.11d, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 1.6 from 5 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > Golden > Clear Creek Canyon > Live Action Wall
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Private Property - be aware & respectful DetailsDrop down


The crux is low, a few bolts up, after pulling onto the upper face. Thin and balancy face moves lead to much easier climbing. The crux is cool, but the route is not sustained. There are some very loose blocks just off the ground (avoidable).


On the left side of the crag, this is the 2nd obvious bolt line from left (although there is another line even farther left from these 2).


The guidebook lists 10 bolts, there are likely several more, which we found to be a theme on this wall. This route is closely bolted. It goes to the higher two bolt anchor.

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Greg Hand
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] There is a crux low, at the first roof, and there is another crux up high. Once the ledge at the first set of chains is reached, this route follows the 2 bolts on the right side to reach the higher anchors. This keeps the lower and upper cruxes at a similar grade. Mar 3, 2017