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Sprinkling Pockets

5.12b, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 4 from 3 votes
FA: Eric Chemello
California > Northwest Calif… > Footsteps Rock > S Rock


Wild pocket pulling directly over the crashing waves. Have your belayer sling the big boulder and belay down low on the ramp. Step left over the abyss and pull an incredible V4 sequence left of the second bolt, then up six more bolts of steep pockets . The bolts are close and the route is steep so falls are extra clean. It felt very reminiscent to Great White except that Sprinkling Pockets is a bit shorter and has smaller holds. Absolutely incredible climbing 


Next route left from Osteoporosis


9 bolts. Glue-ins

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Kyle getting sendy
[Hide Photo] Kyle getting sendy
Sprinkling Pockets follows the almost prow just left of Osteoporosis.
[Hide Photo] Sprinkling Pockets follows the almost prow just left of Osteoporosis.
Pockets on pockets on pockets on pockets
[Hide Photo] Pockets on pockets on pockets on pockets
This would be my favorite hold on the route if there weren't so many cool holds.
[Hide Photo] This would be my favorite hold on the route if there weren't so many cool holds.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Evan Wisheropp
[Hide Comment] Will be four stars and just as classic as Great White if it ever gets rebolted and gets cleaned up a bit. Jan 30, 2017
Matthias Holladay
On the Road...Looking for a…
[Hide Comment] Cool you got on this thing...
about UNDERTOE... or a variation via ferrata, well, it needs attention to enable the work on the many virgin, hard, vertical lines which girdle this perfect piece of stone. Feb 2, 2017
Evan Wisheropp
[Hide Comment] Cleaned up with bomber bolts. CLASSIC. Aug 31, 2020