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5.10a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 20 votes
FA: Don Cann, Andre Lechner, 2010
International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Sea to Sky (Squ… > Area 44 > Insite wall


Presumably named for the rusty old rifle bolted to the wall about 90% of the way up the route (pictured in the Bourdon guidebook). Long route with a hodgepodge of different styles and several insecure cruxes separated by big ledges. At the first large ledge stay slightly right of the bolt-line and make a very high step that may feel a little bit committing.


On the far right of the insite wall. Walk across the fallen log which has been secured to the wall and start at the far end of the log.


8 bolts to the standard area 44 bolt and chain anchor.

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[Hide Comment] Beware: shorter climbers will have no hope of clipping (or unclipping) bolt 5, and will have to effectively solo the hardest move on the route above a rubble-strewn ledge. Aug 4, 2023