Type: Sport
FA: unknown
Page Views: 593 total · 6/month
Shared By: Brian Boyd on Jul 26, 2016
Admins: Brian Boyd, Dan Flynn, Nate Ball

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Easy climbing at the start. Difficulties increase as the corner becomes more steep, and the crack widens.

Can be awkward to lead on bolts: They cross the crack to minimize rope drag, but weird to have a bolt behind your left shoulder as you work the offwidth. Would go nicely on cams, but would require big gear.

Also, this route is directly below End of the World on the upper terrace. EotW is popular, and you are directly in the drop zone for any loose rock, or dropped ropes.

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Walk down to the lower portion of the gully, and the route is tucked away on the right.

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Recently rebolted, fixed anchors.


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